amaroK Web 0.2 |
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READMEamaroK Web requires that you configure amaroK to use MySQL. If you are not currently using MySQL with amaroK, there are great instuctions on how to configure MySQL and convert your SQLLite DB here: Once things are MySQL-ified, modify web/include/config.php. DBHOST: most likely localhost, but you can set it to a remote machineDBNAME: the name of the database you have amaroK configured to use DBUSER: user name you have amaroK configured to use DBPASS: password you have amaroK configured to use THEFILTER: true or false. if true, artists and albums will be sorted by the first word that is NOT "the" ALLOWDL: true or false. if true, you can click on song names to download. MP3DIR: absolut path to dir of where you store all your mp3s. used to create the download link if ALLOWDL is true APPEND: true or false. if true, it will append a suggested song if it ever gets to the last song in the playlist. This will only work if a user with the "master" value set to "1" is logged in. WEBROOT: your apache web root. AMAROKWEBROOT: anything after the / in the url for amaroK Web After that, cd to the scripts directory. If cli php is not installed in /usr/bin/php, modify each files top line to point to where the cli php is installed. Create tables:./creattables.php Create a user: ./createuser.php admin password 1 1 Run ./createuser.php without any arguments for brief usage output OK, so now copy web in to your document root. For example: cp -r web /var/www/localhost/htdocs/amaroK Make sure apache is configured to execute php and that register globals and magic quotes are off. Change the User and Group values of apache (in httpd.conf) to match the user that is running amaroK. To make album cover images work, cd to the document root of the amaroK app + images dir: cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs/amaroK/images Create a symbolic link to the album images directory. replace $HOME with the home dir of the user running amaroK: ln -s $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/albumcovers/ . To allow downloads to work, cd to the document root of the amaroK app: cd /var/www/localhost/htdocs/amaroK Create a symbolic link to the base dir of your mp3 collection to "mp3s". i.e.: ln -s $HOME/mp3dir mp3s Start up apache and point your browser to http://localhost/amaroK (or wherever you happened to install the webapp) If you have any problems with getting this running, please feel free to contact me. |