- Fix it so that apache doesn't have to run as the same user running amaroK
- Better filter download links, some bad chars break the download
- Sure wish there was a way to call dcop without using exec()
- When you remove a specific track from the playlist, amaroK forgets which song it is currently playing (limitation of amaroK dcop interface)
- Option to group albums with "various" artists under one artist list of "Various"
- Admin interface for adding/deleting/modifying users
- Better css... allow differnet "themes" through it
- Email notifications for when playlist is over? Not sure. Storing email addresses with users anyway.
- Add all albums of specific artist button
- Fix it so that it sets appropriate php.ini (register globals and magic quotes) values for you
- Does it work in safe mode php?
- Pretty-ify. Images for buttons? I'm no artist. Grab some kde icons?